Monday, September 21, 2009

Slogans For Wedding Planning Businesses

Finally Fall

I know, I'm going against the trend, but I can not do anything if I like autumn more than the other seasons ...

After a hot and muggy finally a bit of refreshment! I sleep like a baby in the warmth of my bed and I can stay glued to my wife without being told "Albè, it's hot." I spupazzarmi my baby without worrying about sweating it, because I look like a stove on, and I can go for a walk without the tan shirt as if I had 2 hours of jogging.

The warm colors of nature does not make me sad, on the contrary, I remember the warmth of home and there is nothing more beautiful than that feeling of peace as when I'm home comfortable with my family!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pregnancy Conceiving In Urdu

Chapeaux, Chef! Dedication unknown motorist

Belly and palate thank you very much!

What can I say, every word is wasted ....

Thanks Barbara for the wonderful dinner!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Games Were U Can Get Pregnant

you who trade the car for a beauty salon, who did not understand the meaning of the rearview mirror: an ingenious system that is used to see who's behind (without turning your head while you're at 70 km / h ...) and instead you use it as a make-up mirror!

you who drive near the steering wheel so that when steering you curls t-shirt in the steering wheel spokes, how can you expect to perform a trivial change?

What do you think that the lever on the back left of the steering wheel is a hook for your purse, gl is the lever for turn signals!

You do not have the faintest idea what it means to the use of indicators (I am writing this because if I wrote " arrows " maybe you think the Indians of America)

What do you think that the flares that receive each morning are the flashes of photographers, you have not yet figured out that I am on high beam with the following sequence:
.-.. . ...- .- - ..
-.. .- .-.. .-.. .
.--. .- .-.. .-.. .
I know, you can not even imagine what it is ...
E 'in Morse code!
Hmm, I doubt you know who is bitten, let alone the code he invented ...

Go Well, I'm feeling magnanimous today, I translate I:

"Get out of BALLE"

The exclamation point I have not made, I prefer to use the good old middle finger, it gives me more satisfaction!