Sunday we took the Sunday excursions and it went really well.
We were twelve and we reached the summit of Mount Crepacuore with a challenging itinerary that always part of the program as one of the first after the summer break because it allows continue walking in the mountains gradually and at the same time, without sacrificing the beauty of the environment at high altitude. The path
It serves mostly the ridge and with little gradient, thus allowing also enjoy beautiful views in all directions, surrounding mountain peaks and wooded valleys.
We reached the summit starting from Campo Catino, karst plateau whose name indicates very well the characteristic shape that sets it apart. A wide basin from the regular profile which lies between some peaks from the typical "bare" mountains of these areas.
A place where I go often, but whose architectural eyesores - which contrast with amazing nature - still can not get used. And dilapidated structures in ruins, witnesses of yet another invasive process by man in the name of mere commercial exploitation of the area, they really cry my heart to see them in the midst of beautiful meadows on which cows and horses graze in the wild.
structures grew there on the initiative of men without memories there and abandoned by them: men with no memories and no respect for anything, even things made with their hands, with their efforts, with their money and, least of all, the beauty of a place that, instead, gave him the chance to do what they wanted.
Fortunately, our trip was much more.
prefer to think in fact the pleasant company with whom I shared the track, cheered by the presence, not at all unusual, of a young hiker, the small and nice Greta, fresh mountain air, almost autumnal, who accompanied us all the time, the beautiful and imposing mass of Mount wonder that was the backdrop to all of our walk, the solicitude of the lady in the bar, sorry for not being able to have breakfast with us something "solid", there promised a dessert for when we returned and it was, the story of Eugene about his elderly uncle, youth pastor, leading the sheep grazing in these areas and to which lit his eyes when he heard that his nephew would go over there and drink and maybe, just cold water from the same source from which he filled his flask ...
stories and situations that come together and talk about the path here and that somehow brought back to life as not to lose, in fact, the importance of remembrance.
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