This week is held in Umbria hiking the 41st European Conference organized by the Regional Committee Umbro the FIE (Italian Federation of Hiking) I am a member, which brings together the main European associations of hiking: EWW - Europäische Wandervereinigung ; ERA - European Ramblers' Association and FERPA - Fédération Européenne de la Randonnée walking.
rich program of meetings and initiatives dedicated to the delegates of many countries of Europe and their carers. Of course, there opportunities to walk together to discover, in this case, of Umbria.
Personally, I was one of the companions of the 180 walkers who have chosen the city of Orvieto, his Rock and its surroundings as a destination: groups that have come from virtually the entire Mediterranean, from Genoa, Portugal, Malta.
Further proof - if proof were needed - that rhymes with walk together unity and belonging.
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