We help birds in winter
There are two different schools of thought about those who think ec''è that we should not feed birds during the winter, not to interfere with the process of natural selection. Nowadays, however, the birds, as well as many other wild animals suffer from lack of food due to urbanization, intensive agriculture, which changes the landscape, pesticides and human interventions in general.
hunters are also a serious danger to any animal, wild or domestic. Every day except Tuesdays and Fridays, from September to January each year, shotguns - loaded with ammunition, in the case of birds, often weighing more than their targets - they shoot. In
winter, the weather also have their negative effects, inasmuch as they relate to natural selection on bird life. The intense cold and food shortages are causing many casualties, especially among young people, those who have fledged in the summer just passed.
Each of us can actually help the birds in your area through the winter, providing food, energy, protein and energy system in their own garden or balcony a manger, to be filled with various seeds that you can buy in a shop or with those used in the kitchen, or by following the simple recipe given below. In preparing these cakes, as well as save the lives of many animals, we also bring them to our homes and be able to "look" reasonably in their lives.
Cakes for birds
0.5 kg of wheat flour for cakes
1 kg of maize flour of yellow corn
0.5 kg of sugar
3 or 4 packs of 250 grams of margarine
Ingredients Optional: a packet of sultanas
1 or 2 apples diced
dried figs, cut into cubes or strips
a pound of sunflower seeds 1 cup of uncooked rice
1 or 2 bags of pine nuts
2 or 3 ounces of puffed rice (the one used for dogs)
In a bowl, mix in a homogeneous mixture, all ingredients except margarine. Meanwhile in a saucepan heat up the margarine over medium heat until completely melted. At this point, is poured into the bowl and, using a spoon or hands, is embedded with the other ingredients until the mixture is homogeneous. Finally with your hands shape the ball-shaped cakes, which are put aside to cool.
The cakes are fed to birds in places not accessible to dogs and cats, as it is very tempting for them! Possibly should be placed on windowsills, over rooftops, through the branches of trees, etc..
A recommendation: if you start feeding the birds this winter, you will need to take the commitment to do so until the end: they will pick up and return regularly. Abruptly stopping this "tank" on which they rely, endanger their lives.
Once arranged the food, get a pair of binoculars and with a little 'patience, in a short time you will see that some tit or robin, followed closely by Sparrows, Starlings and blackbirds, will realize the delicacy.
In spring, however, you should be suspended. Between April and September, the birds feed their young. During this time the food is abundant, especially insects are by far the ideal food for children.
http://www.agireora.org/info/news_dett.php?id=897&a=8&data_from_dd=25&data_from_mm=08&data_from_yyyy=2006&data_to_dd=28&data_to_mm=11&data_to_yyyy=2010 & pg = 3
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