Spring is coming: the roar of the Lion back to illuminate the darkness of night.
It stands to the east of these nights in early March and rises, imposing and proud, like a lion lying in the bush looking and groom, the undisputed ruler of his lands.
And 'one of the oldest constellations in our sky, its creation is lost in the mists of time. In ancient times it marked the passage of the sun at the summer solstice, hence the term dog days . The ancient Egyptians associated the flooding of the Nile watching the lions were going to drink from the river to defeat them even drought. Hence the following symbolism connected with water and the presence of lions on artistic fountains, above all that of the Four Rivers by Bernini in Piazza Navona in Rome, but also, by the same artist, that of the ancient Monterano, having several times during one of our excursions. The symbol of power and water of life: what animal more worthy to represent if not the most powerful?
At the time of ancient Egypt, but perhaps even before, the Lion, as well as being represented and worshiped in heaven, it must also be in the ground: the Sphinx of Giza which reproduce the shape, ancient monument, probably served as part of worship, to bring him into contact with men.
The ancient Greeks knew that Zeus had depicted the Lion in the sky because was the king of beasts. In any event, no doubt deserved a space between the stars to kill the Nemean was the first of twelve labors of Hercules, the hero giving the gift of immortality. The Sickle
of his mane, when it appeared in conjunction with the sun reminded farmers that it was time to harvest wheat. And Regulus, however, "little king", which shines in his heart, "Lionheart".
E 'returned the king, and brings with him the light. Night all bows.
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