Thursday, August 13, 2009

Quotes For Picniks On Faceb

The box is always full ...

The data protection commissioner has determined that advertising by fax is allowed only with the consent of the consignee, after obtaining the express prior consent. This is because it violates the privacy of the recipient. What

I find myself every day why the mailbox of my house full of advertisements? The mailbox is to use my reception correspondence, if it is filled with waste paper as I find the letters that I receive? Why should I pay a fee of garbage when 95% of paper that flows into the body and publications received without my consent? How on earth can stop this river of paper that I throw into the chest of the daily paper?

My mailbox is locked, if anyone can take is filled with my correspondence, which remains half-full because out of the box, and I assure you that I have a really large box!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

List Of The Original 151 Pokémon

The dream of a midsummer night went up in smoke ...

Thank you for at least tried ...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Meltonian Shoe Cream Where To Buy

August to work: The positive side of one week from Budget

not so bad to stay in town for business in August, there are a lot of positive things if you can We accept the fact that we must not do perforza holidays this month:

    Traffic free parking
  1. halved
  2. Malls open
  3. The radio broadcast music and finally the various radio sparaminchiate are on leave from the nearby
  4. Silence (DJ reached the beach!)
  5. Advertising in the box of letters almost reset (saves tons of paper throw away!)
  6. unimaginable secluded in the office (i will be jamming on the beach to quarrel with my neighbors because they make too much noise ...)
  7. The silence of the factories closed for holidays
  8. The silence of the gardens below the house, because children (I refer to those very rude) they will be blowing up the nerves to their neighbors with umbrellas while their parents do not deign to look
  9. The Internet connection that traveling is a pleasure!
Personally I do not like to go on holiday during the canons, can not stand the chaos, a contradiction to go on holiday to relax and having to find confusion. In August they begin to get shorter days, the price of everything and reach their annual peak, people seem to have sent your brain on vacation but in a different location than where you find them ...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Nip Slip Milani Denise


Thank goodness it's over a week from Single!

The hardest part was undoubtedly the return home at night after work, open the door and find the gym Martina empty.

It was not easy but I managed to occupy every evening to try to distract me.

week has so held:

Dinner & Loredana
Spupazzamento of the small Christian Lorenzo Travel kit and test spacecraft for the upcoming trip to L & L & C

Dinner Grease (PaninoGiallo) with colleagues
Got the mythical Arab, something unimaginable for a human being!
the evening, aided by a river of beer, as usual degenerated ...

dinner alone ...
2 boxes Osella directly from the box, a sadness without end!

essential advantage of a discount I had dinner at McDonald's, it does not know how many years and the incredible thing is that I was able to digest!

Back to the lake with my women!
The agony is over ...