How many of us remember Gesualdo Buffalo? Poet, writer and public figure, a great controversialist, a friend of Sciascia and upholstery, also disappeared recently, a lover of Sicily which, by the Mafia, in an interview with Chiambretti in 1995 he said: "They are the primary teachers Our secret weapon against the Mafia. "
This booklet, the beautiful and complete collection of poetry of Einaudi, impulsively bought many years ago, is often on my bedside table to mark the occasional moments of melancholy.
's Note at the end of volume, Bufalino, thus justifying this publication:
Rumor dell'untore his plagued first novel (begun in 1950 and published in 1981) which won him the Premio Campiello.
's Note at the end of volume, Bufalino, thus justifying this publication:
"These ways, waste paper is written with a pen Perry many years ago, almost by accident survivors with regular New Year's Eve fire at the autorer which was usually a time to condemn the unnecessary and hateful of his drawers, getting old now, how pathetic pianola rolls or old photographs, this verse probably not have much merit to see the light, if not that, is, for a moment to smile, if he still has his lips capable, a spirit of youth. Who can recognize and find yourself, along with its ancient relics of Love's Labour's Lost on the Mediterranean coast, the memories of a long wait in the shadow of death and serious convictions of the war, and the joys fast, the long loneliness, after the return to the South "
There is a poem of love, an absolute beauty, which I often return to:
Who knowsA meeting happy with what this malpensante, as he called himself, and a commitment to know through her novels, The lies of the night by (Strega Prize 1988) to
If I could sing like
June sun in the belly of the ear, the angular
invincible sun
if I knew how to cry cry cry cry
when the sea rears up in mockery of kite;
if I knew if I could
usurping the language of the rain that teaches
grass cruel sweetness ... oh
then every morning, and not with this
hoarse voice of a man, I would tell you that I love
and on the walls of my blind way
the joy of writing your name, three syllables
the holy and mysterious,
my seal of New Hope,
my food, my wine, my
viaticum good.
Rumor dell'untore his plagued first novel (begun in 1950 and published in 1981) which won him the Premio Campiello.
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