Like every year, there Beppe Grillo reports from his blog 's Earth Overshoot Day in turn determined by the Global Footprint Network, whose president has been interviewed by the staff of Cricket for the 'occasion. This year's Earth Overshoot
Day (the day of the year if they exceed the regenerative capacity of its resources from the Earth) crashed a month (plenty) before last year: Aug. 21. This means that from that day until the end of year "we will live in debt towards our planet.
If not mistaken, if this trend continues, including nine years we will start the year having already consumed all the resources that the Earth would have been able to generate in that year!
In the interview, the President of the Global Footprint Network, referring to the remedies to be implemented in this environment overfishing, says "What surprises me most is the fact that countries have not yet became aware of what all this interests you. If you do not fit today the economies of countries the scarcity of resources that are on the horizon, countries will not be ready.
do not need an international agreement to prepare your own country ".
Given the lack of sufficient time for a radical change of direction, starting with these words I get to observe:" What surprises me most is that people have not yet made aware of how all the interest. If you do not adapt to family economies today, the choices of daily consumption of each, the scarcity of resources that are on the horizon, people will not be ready and countries not they are ready.
do not need a national law or international agreement to radically change , here and now, their habits (getting ready, then your country).
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