For Sunday, February 27, I put in the program under the activities of the Four Seasons Barbarano excursion into the territory of the Roman Empire, within the boundaries of the Regional Park of Marturanum .
This protected area, which contains one of the most interesting portions of Tuscia, is known to hikers in particular for its important archaeological sites (the ancient settlement of Marturanum note and the necropolis of San Giuliano) and the deep gorge that the river has cut into the tufa Biedano, creating towering walls rock overlooking an area of \u200b\u200bdense vegetation in which they paths.
But the park also houses a bar area and much less known, that we will discover through this trip that will take us to discover the interesting route of the former railroad Capranica-Civitavecchia, including abandoned tunnels and stations, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe band looks to the hills of the Monti della Tolfa.
To complete the exit, if we have time before to return, we stop to visit the Museum of Natural Barbarano.
LENGTH: 9 miles
DURATION: 4 / 5 hours
DIFFICULTIES ': T / E (Tourist / hiking)
For more information and reservations (required) number of contact' Ass Four Seasons 0627800984 Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00 and on Saturdays from 9.00 to 12.00.
booked before deciding whether to participate, please read the legend of difficulty walking and hiking regulation.
See you Sunday!
[in the picture: bas-relief of the deer and the wolf on the so-called "Tomb of the Stag," a symbol of the Park]
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