Sunday. Day in the Park Marturanum rainy, cold and penetrating.
Despite this large group (21 participants); unexpectedly large because one third of these is not included on the list of reservations.
The situation complicates the logistics, since the program includes a crossing, the node from having to dissolve in a short time, coupled with favorable weather conditions in any way, puts a strain on the strength of the nerves of an already proven to be objectively Guide a period of tiredness, a thousand other personal thoughts on his mind.
A trip went well at the end (which is not much) but that will not go down in history as one in which the guide, in my view, gives the maximum in terms of "presence" and "incisive." But there is also this.
Each tour or journey that is a story in itself and is, in miniature, and metaphor at the same time part of life itself, with its difficulties to be overcome and its satisfaction, with its joys and sorrows.
For one reason or another do not depend on me at the end of travel, over 21 participants, I only got to greet 7:00 to 8:00. It is no coincidence and is the signal, with others, it is necessary to take the road to the exit.
Before ending, two gifts lighten the day. Two books.
One and the other as a gift on loan. Two
kind thoughts, arrived in a disjointed, showing gratitude. And not for that you have demonstrated today. We can only thank
On the way back, a lot of rain and darkness.
But once at home before going to bed, I see the window Orion, Sirius Leone and the glow intensely now up there. We can only thank
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