Charles Eliot Norton , (1827-1908) Professor of Art History at Harvard, translator of Dante: Vita Nova and Divine Comedy, a man of profound humanism, was also interested in social issues, liberal education and even medicine, for example defending euthanasia, was part of a movement for dignity assisted death in Ohio and Iowa.
One of his students James Loeb in 1925, became a philanthropist, will in his honor the Charles Eliot Norton Memorial Lectures , annual conferences, open to a diverse audience, held by scholars of international fame with lectures on all forms of communication aesthetics, poetics, literary, musical or figurative.
Among the invited guests, away from the academic year 1925-26 to date, there are the poet TS Eliot, composers Stravinsky and Copland, the American painter Ben Shahn, the architect Pier Luigi Nervi, the writer and the Mexican poet Octavio Paz, JLBorges the Argentine poet, musicians, Leonard Bernstein and Daniel Barenboim, the writers Nadine Gordimer and Orhan Pamuk.

For the academic year 1985-86 was invited Italo Calvino and was the first time the choice fell on an Italian writer. Calvin chose to treat certain values \u200b\u200bto be preserved into the next millennium (the current) and identified them in lightness, speed, accuracy, visibility and multiplicity . The sixth lesson consistency, was going to write it at Harvard and, according to notes left, it would be reported to Bartleby the Scrivener Herman Melville of . A stroke took him away for good in September 1985 and left him unable to keep those the lessons that were published, and then, posthumously.
A CCAD that sometimes the most significant book of a writer is the last and even posthumously, as only in it he reaches the climax of his work, the fullness its means of expression and fully reveals himself Reading Memos Calvin (... ) the feeling is that at the end of life, Calvino has produced his masterpiece, exceeding by far the many works of nonfiction and fiction that also had made him perhaps the most European writer Highlights of the last thirty years ... So wrote
Eugenio Scalfari Republic on June 2, 1988, in connection with the publication of "lessons" for Garzanti, and concluded:
We have had the privilege or the case was to be his companions while the seed of that His precious DNA began to develop into the tree that it grew, quickly and gnarled by flying the green leaves and deep roots.
Eugenio Scalfari Republic on June 2, 1988, in connection with the publication of "lessons" for Garzanti, and concluded:
We have had the privilege or the case was to be his companions while the seed of that His precious DNA began to develop into the tree that it grew, quickly and gnarled by flying the green leaves and deep roots.
N ell'anno 1992-93 academic year to keep the invitation was addressed to the Norton lectures Umberto Eco, besides semiologist successful novelist, and in this capacity, the eminent linguist, accompanies the charmed readers Six walks in the woods through narrative, as articulated :
1) go into the wood, is a declared homage to Calvin and exposure of two central concepts of Eco Player Model Author and Model ;
2) The forests of Loisy , through the story of Nerval Sylvie (along with Joyce, Proust, Poe) analyzes the timing of the narrative .
3) linger in the woods (and story): the time of the fable , time of the speech and reading time (Manzoni, Flaubert, Mickey Spillane, Dumas, Dante);
4) Woods possible, is the fictional pact (Coleridge, Kafka, Stout, Stendhal), but most states " ... read stories mean to make a game through which one learns to make sense of the immensity of things that have happened has happened and will happen in the real world. Reading novels we escape the anguish that grips us when we try to say something true about the world real. This is the reason of narrative therapy and the reason why men, from the beginning of humanity, tell stories. What is the function of myth: to shape the chaos of experience. "
5) The Curious Incident of via Servandoni here Eco likes to find out how, in the novel The Three Musketeers, Dumas makes a mistake, bringing together a Bonacieux Madame d'Artagnan, he is in love and jealous, in Rue Servandoni, home of Aramis. But in 1625, when the events described take place, there could be this way, because "the Florentine architect Giovanni Servandoni Nicholas was born in 1695, in 1733 he designed the facade of the church of Saint-Sulpice, and that way he was dedicated only in 1806. " (...) "But the thing is more complicated than that. Where was where he lived in Rue des Fossoyeurs d'Artagnan? Now, this route existed in the seventeenth century and today there is more to a simple fact: the old Rue des Fossoyeurs was what is now called Rue Servandoni.
6) fictitious Protocols , concluding lectures, addresses the cases in which the reader is led to read the real world as if it were a novel and vice versa, mixing fiction and reality. The most tragic example of this mixture between fiction and reality is represented by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Eco reconstructs in detail the evolution of the Templars in Appendix novel The Mysteries of Paris by Eugène Sue , the pamphlet of antiebreo Rachovskij, subsequent manipulation of Sergei Nilus, "after which the text travels through Europe up to be in the hands of Hitler" . (...) Reflecting on the complex relationship between reader and story, fiction and reality, may constitute a form of therapy against the sleep of reason that produces monsters. "
1) go into the wood, is a declared homage to Calvin and exposure of two central concepts of Eco Player Model Author and Model ;
2) The forests of Loisy , through the story of Nerval Sylvie (along with Joyce, Proust, Poe) analyzes the timing of the narrative .
3) linger in the woods (and story): the time of the fable , time of the speech and reading time (Manzoni, Flaubert, Mickey Spillane, Dumas, Dante);
4) Woods possible, is the fictional pact (Coleridge, Kafka, Stout, Stendhal), but most states " ... read stories mean to make a game through which one learns to make sense of the immensity of things that have happened has happened and will happen in the real world. Reading novels we escape the anguish that grips us when we try to say something true about the world real. This is the reason of narrative therapy and the reason why men, from the beginning of humanity, tell stories. What is the function of myth: to shape the chaos of experience. "
5) The Curious Incident of via Servandoni here Eco likes to find out how, in the novel The Three Musketeers, Dumas makes a mistake, bringing together a Bonacieux Madame d'Artagnan, he is in love and jealous, in Rue Servandoni, home of Aramis. But in 1625, when the events described take place, there could be this way, because "the Florentine architect Giovanni Servandoni Nicholas was born in 1695, in 1733 he designed the facade of the church of Saint-Sulpice, and that way he was dedicated only in 1806. " (...) "But the thing is more complicated than that. Where was where he lived in Rue des Fossoyeurs d'Artagnan? Now, this route existed in the seventeenth century and today there is more to a simple fact: the old Rue des Fossoyeurs was what is now called Rue Servandoni.
6) fictitious Protocols , concluding lectures, addresses the cases in which the reader is led to read the real world as if it were a novel and vice versa, mixing fiction and reality. The most tragic example of this mixture between fiction and reality is represented by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Eco reconstructs in detail the evolution of the Templars in Appendix novel The Mysteries of Paris by Eugène Sue , the pamphlet of antiebreo Rachovskij, subsequent manipulation of Sergei Nilus, "after which the text travels through Europe up to be in the hands of Hitler" . (...) Reflecting on the complex relationship between reader and story, fiction and reality, may constitute a form of therapy against the sleep of reason that produces monsters. "
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