The year 2011 was declared the International Year of Forests, to support the efforts to promote the management, conservation and sustainable development of forests around the world .
E 'was also held, however - again that the UN has entrusted the responsibility to one of its "sections", UNESCO, as part of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014 - International Year of Chemistry, celebration of the achievements of chemistry and its contribution to the welfare humanity.
The chemistry is the foundation of the activities of the economic system of industrial countries "Western" in the processing of the petroleum industry, pharmaceutical industry, the arms industry and agro-food (through creation of fertilizers and herbicides, but also prepared foods sold at retail).
So in some ways, the use made of the chemical is currently a major contributor to the current condition of the planet, I'm not sure that well-being. At best it can be considered to have improved the living conditions of some part inhabitants of the planet, at the expense of others. It is not always the best living conditions are associated with greater well-being: the proof is that, in the industrialized West, in fact increases the individual's spiritual malaise.
Also, be aware that one of the main reasons for deforestation in the Amazon, but not only, is due to the production of soybean and corn crop (the two most cultivated plants in the world) - crops with high water consumption and energy and, increased efficiency of industrial chemicals used in agriculture - the production of animal feed, biofuels and the basis for many of the dishes ready to eat (have you noticed that corn and soybeans are almost all prepared food under form of different elements derived from their work?).

So I ask myself: but what is the point, especially within the same institution which is the UN, to identify two different goals in the same year, instead of concentrating all their efforts on only one, of considerable importance?
And above all, because it almost two objectives contradict each other? The importance of the presence and integrity of the forests in this historic moment we have no doubt. However, on the other goal in this case related to chemistry, will be able to the UN, the international organization largely in the hands of industrialized powers, to focus attention to the fact that - at this particular historical moment - in this the national and international activities that will take place in 2011 will emphasize the importance of chemistry in the preservation of natural resources ?
The Happy New Year to all I want to do is to not stand by waiting for the response, to inform and to act accordingly in the first person through their own choices.
I am sure that there's always the very real being, and that of the world.
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