that will be on our side and a relatively rare event but when I see snow, and in particular a fall of snow, I come a little 'child.
It 's like seeing it for the first time, the effect is the same as me.
I am fascinated and attracted me is natural to stop what I'm doing to observe, for at least several minutes, the flakes that fall.
are also quite "excited" just for the sense of novelty that such an event - I repeat: in our country - brings.
And I do not think now is the hardships and difficulties that may result in the way we live today. Indeed, the first thing I do is just the opposite: I hope that a high and soft layer of snow covers everything as soon as possible.
Snow is something magical.
atmosphere that creates a snowfall (if it does not fall mo 'of storm, of course) is unique, although there is in the midst of a chaotic and busy city center.
brings with it peace and size more reflective, even within, that to want to listen, gives us a more temporary serenity.
Nature stops when it snows. The birds stop singing, and all other animals, whose hard work even if not visible "us," literally burrow into their shelters. There are sounds, the atmosphere becomes magically softened thanks to those whites who fall from Fluff.
We too, I am sure the reader will share, let's now holed up in our desire to take home, along with our loved ones and the warmth of a fireplace (yes, the ancestral family home ...). A snowfall
(if not always in the form of torment), in our perception deep, is among the fenomemi weather that has less impact. " When not looking through the eyes of adults who think of the resulting discomfort (from shoveling the driveway, blocked roads, unmanageable machine, etc.) to appreciate anyway. One such example: under a heavy snowfall, we are going out for a walk (preferably on side roads or paths) in the pouring rain or blazing sun a day of summer, no.
This is because the snow, with its slow and silent lie down, give us the opportunity to lose out, slowly and silently back in touch with ourselves and, through the "mind of a child", with our nature.
Hurrah for snow!
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