Sunday there was, for me, the first hike of the year and the first release ever by the Ettore Majorana School Sports Association of Orvieto, whose activity, just this year, I participate.
We were in the wind and we made a ring inside the Natural Reserve of Lake Vico, path already done it before in the past but that never tires, indeed.
Given the novelty of the cooperation, could not get better!
A beautiful winter day, relatively warm and clear, has been with us for the duration of the excursion that further time in this charming little protected area and its lake, gave us the opportunity to discover the many different environments that characterize it, in their winter clothes, bare but equally poetic: the cultivated fields with hazelnut and chestnut trees, mixed forest of oaks and maples with its unique carpet of leaves, the wet area and hundreds of birds aquatic, the magnificent and majestic beech "depressed" at the close of itinerary as icing on the cake.
opportunity to share a walk and get to know many new people, they also very popular with walkers.
opportunity that opens the way to even more experiences together, some planned in the coming weeks, through which I will be happy to introduce to them the beautiful places that I have learned in recent years to discover the path to slow and, more importantly, what they sent me.
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